Vote, dammit!

4 11 2008

Just reminding all my American friends (well, the ones over the age of 18, at least), to vote today. Preferably for Barack Obama, who I’m almost sure will become the next president of the United States.

I’m so excited.

Also, if you live in California, make sure you “Don’t Stop at the Top”, and vote NO on Propostion 8, an anti-gay ballot measure. If you live in San Francisco, voting YES on Prop K, a measure to decriminalize sex work, would make me a happy panda.

I’m going to start kind of an open election thread in the comments, so post as you wish, in terms of election-related things. Play nice, and don’t forget to vote!



2 responses

4 11 2008

If I could vote, I would.
Not only am I not an american, I’m also under 18! xD

Well, I guess I can just sit here in my Obama shirt and cross my fingers.

15 11 2008

My parents are in Washington right now (leaving me and all my mental illnesses to run this place…oh shit) and they’ve already bought me an Obama shirt! I can’t wait. Although, I’m crossing my fingers for an “Obama mama” one. Because I just think that would be amazingly funny. I think I’d add “My name is Brandon and I’m an” above the “Obama mama” part. “My name is Brandon and I’m an Obama Mama”. You know, just to get the gender irony in there.

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